It was my first time stepping foot in Sabah. Tawau is a quaint little town. Very green, popular for its seafood (I had ikan ayam, praying mantis, siput sedut etc) and Nasi Kuning apparently. But we didn't get to spend much time going around as we were busy preparing for the event. Suffice to say, all the hard work and stress was well worth it as the client was very happy, saying that it was their best annual dinner ever. Kudos to Sherin and Ming Ne! Months of preparation and those occasional travels to Tawau paid off eh. Anyway, I would probably step foot in Tawau again, only because you'd have to take a boat from Tawau to get to Sipadan. So yeah, Sipadan is on the list of must visit places.
Speaking of must visit, I'm revisiting my must-do list which I did back in Jan 2010. I failed miserably. Only manage to do 4 out of 10! I only did the first 3 and the last one! hehe. Okay so this year, I shall not make any to do lists or even resolutions. Going to take 2011 as it comes with always keeping in mind the notion of "Just Do It!" 2011 is going to be the year of opportunities so just grab whatever comes your way and keep on searching for more.
Coming to the second month, Feb 2011 is just as eventful as we also have another big event coming soon after the Chinese New Year holidays. Speaking of which, Happy Chinese New Year! See, I'm right on time based on the Chinese calendar. Haha. It's a beautiful day today. The sun is shining, there's a bit of a cool breeze, birds are chirping and best of all, the roads are soooo clear. If only everyday was like this. hehe.
Ok I'm just rambling on here. To close this post, please enjoy this video clip which is sort of my theme song for this year :)

I thought it was called "siput tarik", no? haha!!