We lined up a few celebrations on Friday and Sunday. It started from Friday lunch with our traditional sunrise duck rice feast. We're making it a point to have this for lunch on each anniversary because this was suppose to be our lunch during the day of our launch back in 2008, but we were so busy preparing that we didn't have time to eat and it went to waste. So it sort of has a sentimental value to all of us - and not to mention it is definitely one of the most yummiest duck rice i've tasted :D
And after our lunch we enjoyed a big cake and popped a champagne. What makes it more special this year is that our team has grown with 2 additional ladies who we are glad to have onboard. Shiva and Theing, thank you for your support and for believing in a small company like us. But we hope that both of you stay long enough to be a part of our BIG team and vision we have planned. - in the very very near future!
It was a bit difficult to concentrate on work for the rest of the day last Friday. A lot of fond and bittersweet memories suddenly came into mind from day 1 that RRD was established. We've probably said this a million times but it's hard to believe that we just started from Sherin's dining table in her house a couple of years ago to a team of 5 dedicated ladies with many more coming..i know it's a bit cliche when you read about stories such as this, but when it happens to you, sometimes it feels a bit surreal.
Anyway, we left office at 6pm sharp to continue on to dinner at Vincenzo. It's nice to have the team at one table, catching up on each other's lives and not to mention the current World Cup which is going on. I ate so much that night! The food was fabulous but most important of all was the great company.
Took a break on Saturday (from all the eating!) and continued with the final celebration on Sunday as a team - High Ropes Adventure! I think this was one of the challenging experiences I've ever done! Starting off by climbing up a 17m ladder was already a task! Imagine having to go through various obstacles on tree tops while trying to face your fear of heights. Nevertheless, nothing beats the feeling of satisfaction after completing the whole course. And I'm so proud of the team as everyone completed the whole course! No chicken exit for anyone! Good on you girls! A shame that none of us brought a camera to take pictures of us doing the experience as we were afraid we wouldn't have time to take any and it's true. Each of us were too focused on completing each obstacle that I don't think we would have bothered taking pictures. But here's a group picture we managed to take at the end. Next day all of us we had sore arms and legs but it was all worthwhile! What was supposedly a challenge between the Directors and Staff ended up into a personal individual challenge for each of us as everyone turned out to be a winner :)
It was a fun weekend and we look forward to many more annversaries. To Sherin and MingNe, words cannot express how extremely thankful I am for being such great partners and friends. Thanks for your understanding and patience and here's to many many more anniversaries. It's an honour to be a part of your dreams and to help you guys make it come true.
To the Shiva and Theing, we hope you will last long enough to see RRD bloom and grow :). Thank you for your support and for believing in us.
And to RRD, I can't wait to see what the future has in store for you ;)
u beat me to this posting !! good one : )