Thursday, February 18, 2010
Whoa, 3 entries in one night..that's a first! haha
And after reading through my entries, I just realised I use the phrase...'oh boy' a lot, which is funny coz I never reallyy say it out in real life. OK that was just a random statement.
Til next month for my next entry! hahaha..kidding, let's hope not. I'd like to share my 3rd experience for the year...
On The Water and In the Air! - Part 2
I had mixed feelings about doing this experience. Both good and bad.
Good - because how often do we get the chance to help fly a plane!? Super exciting! and;
Bad - only because I really really hate rollercoaster rides and the feeling of turbulence in a plane feels like that; so I was worried that I would feel queasy. I even took a motion sickness pill before my ride! haha how bad is that. far I've never turned down an offer to try out an experience. I've been through White Water Rafting, Abseiled down a building, ATV-ed through muddy jungle tracks, went through a Skydiving Simulator and even Zorb-ed!! which by the way was wayyy worse than a rollercoaster ride..Sherin could tell you how loud I screamed which I think made her temporarily deaf coz she was in the ball with me..haha!
Sooooo I bad could this be right? Turns out, it wasn't all that bad at all and I have not one ounce of regret trying it out..again, this is something I would never forget and the feeling was surreal, especially when you are trying to face your fear.
We started out with an on-ground briefing. The captain explained to us pre-flight checks that are usually done to a plane before flying. He also explained some technical parts of the plane (like the wings and flaps..hahaha sorry I didn't take notes!) which helps control and manoeuvre the plane. He also went through the control panel and oh boy were there were a lot of buttons and controls and to be honest I paid little attention but only because I was nervous of the actual flying experience!
Then came my turn to fly...oh boyyy..i was turning pale. I entered the cockpit, put on the headphones and was a bit amused at first and distracted by the voices from the control tower. It's amazing how a pilot can know which command or instruction to take note of because you'd hear so many voices and instructions for other planes as well! But they have like cool nicknames for each other which sounded like 'Eagle 123' or 'Sparrow 456'...hahaha ok those were not the exact names but it sounded something like that. Like from a scene in TopGun..hahahah..
Anyway, back to my fear of flying…we were about to take-off and the pilot told me to manoeuvre the plane on the runway..Obviously I forgot which pedal to push and which way controlled the direction so I kind of nearly steered it off the runway for a to distract myself I wanted to take a video of the take-off. Then suddenly it was time to actually take-off....and it happened quite fast and smooth actually.
In the air, there were times when the wind was a bit strong and the plane shook a little. I have to admit I was kind of scared at this point, and I actually told the captain to land the plane like 5 minutes after we got in the air! Haha..So ‘chicken’ of me. But I kept myself distracted by admiring the awesome views from the above.
I kind of had the feeling that the pilot had just a bit more fun then I did – watching me squeal and scream every time I felt a bit queasy. He even said he was being very nice to me by not nose dipping the plane or making sharp turns. Well, I think he didn’t think he have a choice because I said I’d scream to the control tower if he did…hahahahah
Eventually came the time when we had to land and again, there were mixed feelings. Just a teeny tiny bit of relief but alsovery sad as I felt that I was going to miss the awesome view and the feeling of actually being in front of the plane’s control panel like an actual pilot – well, minus the squeals and cries for help..haha!
But I can totally imagine how great this gift would make for husbands, boyfriends or even daredevils alike. It’s such a rare opportunity and an awesome chance to fulfil someone’s dream. To date, this experience still remains as one of our best sellers and I’ve just come to understand why til the day I actually experienced it myself.
On The Water and In the Air! - Part 1
I wanted to blog about my first 2 experiences for new year - Langkawi Sunset Dinner Cruise and the Pilot for a Day. Both are totally opposite experiences, and although it's been about 2 months since I've carried out these experiences, until today I can still remember the exact emotions felt and some mental images of the day flashing in my mind. That's the beauty of experiencing new things and adventures and what better gift than the gift of a memorable experience!
So I'll start off with the Langkawi Sunset Dinner Cruise first and continue on with the Pilot for a Day in my next entry
Langkawi Sunset Dinner Cruise
Thanks to Sherin and Ming Ne who made my year end trip much more memorable. Year 2009 was one helluva rollercoaster ride and I can count the fingers on one hand (less actually!) the number of holidays I took the whole year. But I would always make it a point to take a couple of days off to celebrate the new year with hubby or friends outside of KL and this experience was not only the icing on the cake but the cherry on the icing of the cake! To summarise my whole feeling about this experience - it just makes you want to leave everything behind and spend your whole life wandering the seas and becoming a beach bum! haha. I was very tempted.
I believe for this experience, pictures should suffice to describe the feeling so I'm probably going to turn this entry into a photoblog instead. But that's the beauty of this experience, you're not suppose to do anything but enjoy the ocean breeze and views while your mind tunes out and wanders off - all within the company of great friends and loved ones. Trust me, if you know anyone who lives in Langkawi or Kedah or if you plan to visit Langkawi, please please please do try this out and you'll know what I mean.

Okay this is probably the highlight of the whole experience which I have to explain..hehe..It's called a 'Saltwater Jacuzzi'..imagine holding on to a big fish net while you're gently being pulled by the yacht! so the bubbles created sort of feels like you're in a real jacuzzi! It was a bit scary for me considering I don't know how to swim so I kind of held on to my life..hehe..but it was awesome!

A portion of the 9 course BBQ dinner which included a selection of seafood, appetizers and salads and an Open Bar! Yup, you read right an all you can drink open I caught the attention of drinkers out'll feel like you're in a MTV Hip Hop music video on the decks of a boat holding a glass of Bacardi..hahaha